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How are employees using AI today?

Brian Madden
Brian Madden,Workplace AI Consultant & Analyst
This page was last updated on July 2, 2024.
This page is part of The Workplace AI Strategy Guide

This page is part of a step-by-step guide to Workplace AI strategy, which I'm currently in the process of writing. I'm creating it like an interactive online book. The full table of contents is on the left (or use the menu if you're on a mobile device).

What's this guide all about? Check out the intro or full table of contents.

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This page is incomplete!

This page is part of my step-by-step guide to Workplace AI, which I'm in the process of writing. I'm doing it in the open, which allows people to see it and provide feedback early. However many of the pages are just initial brain dumps, bullets, random notes, and/or incomplete.

There's an overview of what I'm trying to accomplish on the "What is this site about?" page.

Want to stay updated pages get major updates or things are added? I have a news feed specifically for guide content here: RSS feed for guide updates .

Brian (July 2024)

The landscape of workplace AI (well, AI in general) is evolving stupidly fast, with new, improved, and/or previously-unknown tools being released almost daily. In this chapter, we’ll look at how employees are actually using AI in their day-to-day work, as well as where it’s making a significant impact and where it’s yet to gain traction. We’ll look at variations and trends across different industries and regions, with the goal for you to understand what in the heck is actually going on out there.

Employer versus employee led AI

There’s AI which is driven by the company, and shared with employees. And there’s AI that your employees are finding on their own and figuring out and using on their own. Sometimes they share this with management. Sometimes they share it with their coworkers. And sometime they hide it from everyone, with AI being their own little secret that lets them get ahead.

Employee attitudes and adoption

We (well, I) live in a tech bubble and often don’t really know what regular people know or think.

AI awareness among employees.

It seems like everyone, but not as high as you think. Even for me, I’m often asked questions, and I want to sarchastically respond, “Have you asked ChatGPT?” (Remember that site, “Let me google that for you”? I’m happy to share that LMAGPTFY is also a thing.)

Common perceptions and misconceptions

This is different than the last chapter. This is what the “normies” think.

Factors impacting adoption

Age, role, tech-saviness, laziness (both for and against)

Employee concerns

Job security, privacy, ethics

Who’s influencing your employees?

Their kids. The news. Company communications and training. Their friends. Tech media. Their coworkers.

LinkedIn. Oh god, LinkedIn.

What your employees are reading about AI on LinkedIn

You know,

LinkedIn has millions of AI experts

(just ask them)

They write one sentence every few lines

e.e. cummings style

People are like “wow”

these are cool influencers

“I changed my whole career and have a better life”

you can too

I will show you how...

...with these simple 4,846 “must-know” tips to be successful with AI!

Like and share ❤

Regional differences

Local regulations, business culture, availability of different tools in different languages and markets